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매일 영어 Facing fertility - 1 (출산에 직면하다)

In-vitro fertilization, or IVF, had never crossed my mind until a year ago. IVF, or infertility at all, was not a topic that had really come up with my friends or family. I had never done a television story about it, and it was not a topic anyone really spoke about openly.

*I am now embarrassed to admit how little I knew about reproductive health, fertility and infertility — until it became my life. 



*crossed my mind 생각이나다

*IVF 체외 수정

*infertility 불임

*reproductive health 생식 건강


I am now embarrassed to admit how little I knew about reproductive health, fertility and infertility — until it became my life.  이제 나는 쑥스럽지만 내가 얼마나 생식건강에 대해 적은 지식이 있었는지 인정하려한다. - 그것이 나의 삶이 될때까지..

My husband, Dean Simpson, and I married in 2016 when we were both 36 years old. A few months later, I switched from working behind the camera as a producer to reporting on-air as a correspondent. Because I was, in some ways, starting a new career, I wanted to wait to start a family.  

It is a decision I later regretted, because I learned the time I had given up had been critical.

*I now know that, after age 42, fertility for women essentially falls off a cliff.


*reporting on-air as a correspondent. 특파원으로서 방송 보도를 하다.

*regretted regert의 과거형

I now know that, after age 42, fertility for women essentially falls off a cliff. 42살이 되고나서야, 여성의 출산력이 벼랑에서 떨어지는 정도로  감소한다는 것을 알았다.


We had started trying to have a child right before I turned 39, and we got pregnant naturally and quickly. Eleven weeks later, I miscarried.

Later that year, we got pregnant again, also naturally and quickly. *I had my son, Beau, at age 40. That was in 2020, in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beau is now 2 years old and joy personified. 

We had always hoped to have two children — possibly even three — and, naively, never really worried about facing infertility. After Beau was born, more aware of my age, we decided to try again about a year later. I got pregnant, again naturally and quickly, for a third time, at age 41, but miscarried at nine weeks. 


*miscarried. 유산한 

*in the throes of ~의 와중에 

*naively 순진하게

 I had my son, Beau, at age 40. That was in 2020, in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020년 40세에 코로나 바이러스가 한참 퍼지는 와중에 아들 Beau을 가졌다.


I remember doing a "CBS Evening News" live shot minutes after realizing I was miscarrying. I had started bleeding just before I had to get in front of the camera. *I cried privately, then kept telling myself to just get through the live shot, to stay composed and focused. Live television does not wait. I got through it, then called my husband and OBGYN. Miscarriage is another time we suffer in silence – and often feel shame. 

My second miscarriage was particularly devastating because I had a better understanding of the loss, since I had a child now. 

Dean and I desperately wanted to give our son a sibling, especially because we are older parents and our families both live a distance away. 


*to just get through 막 통과하다, 막 해결하다

*composed and focused 침착하고 집중적인

*OBGYN 산부인과

*sibling 형제자매

 I cried privately, then kept telling myself to just get through the live shot, to stay composed and focused. 침착하고 집중을 하기 위해 나는 혼자 개인적으로 울었다. 그리고 생중계를 잘 해나가기로 내자신에게 계속 말하였다.

A year ago, in March of 2022, a few months after my second miscarriage, my OBGYN recommended IVF. My first reaction was, *"No problem. We will do a round of IVF and have a baby." That is how IVF is often advertised, and the few stories I had heard about it all ended in success. When I dove into research and educated myself, reality began to sink in. My biological clock was ticking, and it was ticking fast.  

There was also one big consideration: IVF is often very expensive. For some, insurance can help cover the costs. For others, it can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

*dove into 에 뛰어들다

*For some 어떤 이들에게는

*tens of thousands of dollars. 수만 달러.

"No problem. We will do a round of IVF and have a baby." "문제없어요. 우리는 체외수정을 하고 아기를 가질 것입니다."


*Luckily, I learned I have some fertility insurance through my health benefits at CBS News. I found Dr. Eric Forman at Columbia Fertility Center in New York City and was able to see him last April. 

The first sobering moment in our IVF journey came during an initial appointment with Dr. Forman. *He had run some tests and told me I had a low ovarian reserve, which meant I had a lower-than-average egg count

*On top of that, I was midway through 42 and, Dr. Forman said statistically, only about 20% of the eggs I did have were likely to be viable — meaning they might be chromosomally normal, which would make them more likely to result in a pregnancy. Like many miscarriages, both of mine were due to chromosomal abnormalities, which increase as eggs age.


health benefits 건강상의 이익

ovarian reserve 난소의 저장

lower-than-average egg count. 평균보다 낮은 난자수.

midway 중간에

viable 실행 가능한

chromosomally 염색체로

chromosomal abnormalities 염색체 이상

dove into ~ 에 뛰어들다

Luckily, I learned I have some fertility insurance through my health benefits at CBS News. 운 좋게도, 저는 CBS 뉴스의 건강 보험 혜택을 통해 제가 출산 보험에 가입되어 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
He had run some tests and told me I had a low ovarian reserve, which meant I had a lower-than-average egg count.
그는 몇 가지 검사를 했고 나에게 남은 난소가 적다고 말했다. 그것은 내가 평균보다 낮은 난자 수를 가지고 있다는 것을 의미했다
On top of that, I was midway through 42 and, Dr. Forman said statistically, only about 20% of the eggs I did have were likely to be viable — meaning they might be chromosomally normal, which would make them more likely to result in a pregnancy. 무엇보다도, 저는 42세를 보내고 있었고, 포먼 박사는 통계적으로 제가 가진 난자의 약 20%만이 시술가능성이 있다고 말했습니다. 즉, 그것들만이 염색체적으로 정상일 수도 있다는 것을 의미하고 임신을 가능하게 할 수도 있는 것이였다. 


